One of the biggest mistakes that commercial real estate brokers make is dropping out all communication with their past clients once they’ve closed a transaction with them. Keeping this in mind, when you’ve been in the business for years, and you’ve closed a good number of transactions during that time, you may find that there are many past clients who you haven’t spoken to in a while.

So if this may be true for you, I recommend that you identify who these people are, and then begin contacting them, much like you would prospect the people you’ve never, ever done business with before. Except in this situation, this will feel more like a warmer call for you, as you’ll simply be checking in with your past clients to see how they’re doing.

They’ll be happy to hear from you, they may surprise you and be ready for their next transaction, and you just never know when they’ll have a good referral that will lead to more new business for you. In addition, if you’re not contacting your past clients, you’re setting the stage for your competitors to begin forming a better relationship with them, and to be in the key position to work with them on their next transaction.

In addition to this, see if you can schedule lunch with these past clients, because when you’re sitting down in a relaxed environment with them for an hour or so, sometimes ideas for manifesting a new transaction can come to mind easier, in addition to any thoughts they may have about any new referrals that they can give to you.

So just ask yourself, “Which clients of mine haven’t I spoken with in sometime?”, and get on the phone and call these people! Consider this to be part of your regular, ongoing prospecting routine, and when you do this, you’ll be getting much more repeat business from all of your past clients in the future.


If you’re interested in one-on-one coaching, having me do a one- hour strategy session with you, or in having me lead a webinar or a training for your organization, send me an Email or give me a call!