So many brokers have gotten into the habit of leaving boring voicemail messages whenever they’re prospecting…the kind of messages that really don’t inspire decision makers to want to call them back.

With this in mind, here’s a simple exercise you can do to help give you a better idea of how impactful your voicemail messages really are right now:

Call your own voicemail, and then leave the exact same message that you would normally leave for your principals whenever you’re prospecting them. Then listen back to the voicemail message you’ve just left, and ask yourself, “If I received a message like this from someone, would I want to pick up the phone and call them back?”

And don’t cheat and suddenly leave a much more compelling voicemail message with a higher level of energy in it! Leave the voicemail message with the exact same tone, words, and energy that you’re currently utilizing to deliver it into your prospects’ voicemail boxes, because this represents the truth in what they’re currently experiencing from you.

So now when you listen back to your voicemail message, do you sound inspiring to them? Are you giving them a compelling reason to want to call you back?

Because if you’re not, you’ll want to change how you’re currently delivering your voicemail messages, so you inspire more people to want to call you back, and when you do this you’ll begin talking to more principals.

And with this in mind, here are a few possibilities for the voicemail messages that you may want to leave for your people:

“A building has just sold near yours that will give you a great idea of what your building is worth in today’s market, and I have all the details on the sale. So please call me, and then I’ll tell you all the details.”


“There’s a building that’s just come on the market that I believe is a great investment opportunity, and I’d like to tell you about it.”

These two approaches that I’ve mentioned are designed to get people who are curious about the market, and/or are interested in buying or selling, to want to call you back, because these kinds of people want to know what is happening in the market right now.

This is more effective than just leaving a voicemail message that says, “I’m just calling to see if you have any real estate needs at this time.”

Keeping all of this in mind, always remember that the percentage of the people who will return your phone call, is determined by how compelling of a reason you give them to want to call you back.