Real estate and business icon Barbara Corcoran recently sat down for an interview discussing what she believes the recent NAR settlement will now mean for the housing market, then she tells us us how positive she is about the future of real estate, and how she believes that just a 1% drop in interest rates, will cause buyer activity and housing prices to explode once again.

I believe she is correct about this, because there seem to be so many people who want to buy more homes, and invest even more in commercial real estate, but they are looking for some signal to make them feel that the time to jump back into the market is here once again. Granted, there could be other developments within the economy and in the world in the coming months that could change people’s minds about this, but I believe, as Barbara does, that if interest rates were to come down by just 1%, with everything else in the economy and in the world still remaining the same, that we would once again see a surge in both home buying, and in commercial real estate sales, too.

Click here to watch the interview.


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