Bob Knackal is an amazingly successful commercial real estate broker, having sold more than 2,330 buildings, totaling to more than $22 billion in transaction volume, in arguably the most competitive commercial real estate market in the nation…New York City.

In this 8-minute video, you’ll hear Bob discuss the underlying fundamentals that he’s been observing within the New York City market, that are leading him to believe that a selloff will be coming…a selloff where properties will be unloaded at a pace equal to double the normal amount of sales that have occurred annually within his market, over the past 40 years.

When you listen to what Bob says, take note of the underlying fundamentals that he’s citing, and determine if these same fundamentals may indicate that a selloff could be coming to your own market, too.

In addition, click here to browse the more than 350 videos that Bob has posted on his YouTube channel.


If you’re interested in one-on-one coaching, having me do a one-hour strategy session with you, or in having me lead a webinar or a training for your organization, send me an Email or give me a call!