Giving gifts to the clients you’ve already closed transactions with can be a great way to show them your appreciation, and it helps you to begin taking your relationship with them to the next level, too. But what gift can you give to your prospects, the people who you’ve never even closed a transaction with before? If you give them a bottle of wine or a gift basket, this can make it feel like you’re trying to bribe them into working along with you on your first transaction together, so what kind of gift can you give them that would be appropriate in this particular situation?

An ideal gift to give them in this situation would be a book, as this represents something to give them to help them to improve their business, or to help them to improve one specific aspect of their personal life. The message here is, “I care, and I want to help you to produce even better results”. In addition, the price of this book will be very, very inexpensive.

This can also be a good gift to give to the people you’ve already closed transactions with, too.

With this in mind, make a list of maybe 3-5 books that you’ve read, that would be good books to present to a client or prospect depending on their exact situation. Then match one specific book with the client or prospect, and pen a nice handwritten note to them on the very first blank page inside of the book cover, and then sign your name underneath the note. The note in itself can be simple, and it can say something like, “Dear Bob, This book contains some very solid ideas for growing your business, and I thought that you’d enjoy reading it”, followed by your signature.

In addition, when you’re giving this gift to your prospect, it shows them that you care, and it’s the kind of gesture that can help to move you even closer towards closing your first transaction together.