Such a high percentage of brokers believe they should be doing more prospecting than the amount that they’ve been getting done, and here’s a simple approach that can help brokers to complete more calls.

Every week, before the new work week begins on Monday, take a look at your schedule for the coming week, and then schedule in your prospecting times for the week before Monday ever gets here. This will allow you to schedule your prospecting times while taking into consideration what you’ve already scheduled into your calendar for the coming week, and this can then work much better for you than not scheduling your prospecting time at all, and just relying on prospecting when you believe you may have some available time during the week.

Because if you don’t schedule your prospecting in advance, you will probably find that there will be other things that will come to mind for you to do throughout the week, that will then take up any available time to do prospecting.

With this in mind, normally what I’ve recommended to brokers over the years, is to schedule their prospecting for the exact same days and times during every single week, while ideally getting it done in the mornings, and the brokers who have done this, I’ve found, do a much better job of getting their prospecting done than so many other brokers.

But some brokers find it difficult to maintain that kind of a schedule, which is why I’m suggesting this additional approach as an alternative.

So when you begin every Monday morning with your prospecting times now scheduled in advance within your calendar, while taking into consideration the appointments and activities that you’ve already scheduled for your upcoming week, you’ll now increase your chances of getting your prospecting done, when compared to just doing it spontaneously during the week, whenever you believe that you may have the time.


If you’re interested in one-on-one coaching, having me do a one-hour strategy session with you, or in having me lead a webinar or a training for your organization, send me an Email or give me a call!