This is the time of year when brokers have ideally already designed their goals and their game plan for the year, so hopefully you’ve already done this. But what about taking a longer-term view of your business, too, so that you have a good idea of where you really want your business and your life to be, maybe five years down the road?

So often in brokerage we tend to focus on what needs to be done right now, this minute, or by the end of today, or even by the end of this week, but taking a longer view and perspective on where we want all of this to move us towards five years down the road, can be a great idea.

In addition, one added bonus to this is it can help us to make even better short-term decisions along the way, because we’ll now see and understand even more clearly, whether or not a short-term decision we’re thinking of making will truly move us closer towards where we want to be five years into our future.

So consider writing out your goals for where you really want to be five years from now.

Where will you be working, and how will you feel about working there?

What activities will you be engaged in doing in your business day-to-day?

How much money will you be making on an annual basis?

How many properties will you own, and what kind of additional investments will you own?

What will your personal life be like, what kind of activities will you be engaged in, and what will you have accomplished over the next five years in your personal life, too?

And when projecting yourself out into the future five years down the road, and when looking from that vantage point back on today, what will you have done differently to make this all happen?

Writing out your goals for where you want to be five years from now, can help bring you more peace of mind, and more certainty about where your life is now headed, because we all want to make sure that we’re making progress towards living the lives that we’ve always imagined for ourselves.


If you’re interested in one-on-one coaching, having me do a one-hour strategy session with you, or in having me lead a webinar or a training for your organization, send me an Email or give me a call!