Commercial Real Estate Training and Coaching

From America’s
Premier Commercial
Real Estate Coach℠

Jim’s Amazon #1 Bestselling Book: Commercial Real Estate Power Brokers

Click here for Jim’s Amazon #1 Bestselling Book:
“Commercial Real Estate Power Brokers”

About Jim Gillespie

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So far Jim Gillespie has created 220 blog entries.

How to Hire a Telemarketer to Make Commercial Real Estate Prospecting Calls

So many commercial agents have asked me over the years about the possibility of hiring a telemarketer to make prospecting calls for them. This video does a good job of telling you how to find the ideal telemarketer to get this done, and it includes some good resources for both locating the ideal person, and for making sure they're properly prepared to make the calls for you. In addition, keep in mind that depending on the state you live in, the laws there, and what exactly you will be having the telemarketer say for you on the calls, you may need to hire someone who has their real estate license.

Take a Look At This New CRE Deal Tracking Software!

Leave it to a solid, amazing, top-producing broker like Craig Coppola, SIOR, CCIM, CRE, to create a new software program for commercial real estate brokers named CREOneSource. This program helps brokers to track all of their deals that are currently in progress, and it helps to facilitate the ongoing communication between all parties to the transaction, the timely meeting of all of the deadlines, and the transmission of important documents for the deal, too...

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