Commercial Real Estate Training and Coaching

From America’s
Premier Commercial
Real Estate Coach℠

Jim’s Amazon #1 Bestselling Book: Commercial Real Estate Power Brokers

Click here for Jim’s Amazon #1 Bestselling Book:
“Commercial Real Estate Power Brokers”

How to Schedule Follow-Up Calls With Your Commercial Real Estate Prospects

When you're in the middle of a prospecting call with someone, and the person has an upcoming requirement that you'll want to be following-up on, what's a good way to schedule that follow-up time with them? Because many brokers will just say something like, "Can I call you again in a week?", which may or may not be the ideal time frame for your prospect...


How to Make Sure That You’re Not Wasting Your Time Making Listing Presentations

One of the situations that you definitely want to avoid when making listing presentations, is making a presentation when you have zero or very little chance of landing the listing. This can happen when the decision maker has already determined who they'll be listing with, but they just want to receive some additional listing presentations for their own due diligence. In addition, within the corporate environment, the person may be told by their boss that they should receive 3-4 listing presentations in total along with the broker presentation packages, even though the broker who will get the listing has already been determined by the company.

So with this in mind, here is a question that I recommend you ask an owner whenever they're inviting you to make a listing presentation to them...

The Illusion That Many Commercial Brokers Live Under

I constantly see brokers who say they want to make a lot more money, but they believe that doing so has nothing whatsoever to do with changing their routine. Their attitude seems to be, "The routine is fine, but I just need to keep working it in the months and years ahead, and then the big money will finally fall onto my lap."


Designing Your Broker Game Plan for Success in 2023

With the Holidays now upon us, you've got several weeks right now to design your game plan for success for the New Year, if you haven't already done so. Otherwise things are going to be heating up for you once again right after the New Year very quickly, getting you right back into your same old routine from 2022, if you don't take the time to focus on making the necessary changes right now...

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