Commercial Real Estate Training and Coaching

From America’s
Premier Commercial
Real Estate Coach℠

Jim’s Amazon #1 Bestselling Book: Commercial Real Estate Power Brokers

Click here for Jim’s Amazon #1 Bestselling Book:
“Commercial Real Estate Power Brokers”

Why the Sound of Your Voice is Very Important When Doing Your Commercial Real Estate Prospecting

When you're doing your prospecting, the sound of your voice is oftentimes the very first thing that people will ever experience when they're interacting with you, as long as they've never met you before, and as long as you're doing your prospecting on the telephone. So with this in mind, the sound of your voice is the very first thing that will oftentimes have your prospect feel whether they are in rapport with you...or not...


Beware of Social Media Connecting Services

There's a trend that's been developing on social media, and it's a trend that risks having you be perceived as being someone who is robotic, and someone who really doesn't care about the people you're trying to connect with. In fact, this trend now has me refusing to connect with many people who send me invitations to connect on LinkedIn...


Here’s a Brilliant Idea for the New Paradigm That We’re Living In

There's a company called Landing that's now implemented a new idea that I believe is perfect for where our working world now seems to be headed. Since more and more people will be working remotely, Landing now owns fully-furnished apartments in 20 major U.S. cities, and for a membership fee of just $199.00 a year, you can freely move about the country to live in an apartment in any one of these cities by giving 30-days advance notice of your intention to do so...


What to Say When You’re Prospecting People on the Telephone Today

When you're prospecting people on the telephone today, you don't want to dive right in and ignore the 800-pound gorilla that's sitting right in the middle of the room. Everybody's been impacted by COVID-19, and when you ignore this during your prospecting calls, and you go straight into asking an owner if they're thinking of selling their building, you really risk sounding like an unconscious, uncaring broker...

Here’s How One Commercial Broker Delivers an Exceptional Experience to His Clients!

When he closes a sale transaction with his people, sometimes he'll set up a table right in front of the building, then bring along a bottle of champagne, two champagne glasses, and a saber sword, and then he'll open the champagne bottle with the saber sword, pour the champagne into the glasses, and have the two principals drink a toast for having successfully completed the transaction together...

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